The Viaduct – Vol 2 No 1 – April 1989

At this point, the Elkridge Business Association was no longer involved in publishing, so there was a gap – only 5 issues in 1988.

The first article is interesting in that it highlights the crazy growth of Elkridge in the 1970s and 1980s, and the projection of future growth. Ed Huber writes:

“The population growth in Elkridge in recent years has been obvious to all of us who live here. From about 8,000 people in 1980 we increased to about 12,000 in 1985. Projections for the future indicate over 16,500 in 1990, 21,000 by 1995 and over 33,000 by 2010.

“The introduction to the Elkridge Master Plan which was published in 1980 but never formerly adopted by the previous county administration, correctly states that in the mid-1970s much of Elkridge was rural in character and included working farms, rural housing and extensive woodlands. It was a remarkable environmental resource in the midst of the megalopolitan corridor between Baltimore and Washington. While much has changed, there may still be time left to preserve some of what has made this such a desirable place to live.

“The good news is that there is now reason to be optimistic. The current administration under the leadership of Liz Bobo recognizes that our roads, schools, utilities and other county services are not keeping pace with development and has refused to give in to the pressures exerted by those whose prime interest is to maximize their profits on land development. Legislation passed last year will help to protect steep slopes and prevent the mass raping of land we have· seen in recent years.

“The best news of all is that the Bobo administration recognizes how fast land is being used up in our area and is acting to preserve some of it. The announcement that 150 acres of the 100 Investment Limited Partnership property (known locally as Greer-Miller) will be acquired for a proposed golf course has been roundly applauded.” (snip)

Note: The population of Elkridge in 2022 was 25,251, so the growth curve leveled out…. but building continues.

Other articles include: County Exec’s Golf Course – A Stroke of Genius? by Ed Huber – mentions Liz Bobo; It Will Be 55 on 95 – about enforcing speed to help with highway noise – by Dave Anderson and Ed Huber; 2nd Annual Elkridge Carnival – New Date-New Location; President’s Message by Ed Huber; Bobo Tees Off – editorial by Ed Huber; Waste Recycling Facility to Begin Operation by Mid-1990 – Dave Anderson and Dave Maier; Transport to Elkridge by Christopher Vale – about Jemmy Wright who migrated from England to work for Principio Iron Works in 1721; Some Dental Thoughts by by Robert E. Skilllman, DD.S.; Still Smiling by Sally Jerrett – more about Smile Travel Center; For All Those Born Before 1945 by Sylvester Miller; Dear Viaduct – letters about Glen Cove Estates by Debbie Medairy, Noise issues by James Holway; Alice in Gardenland by Alice McMahon Bender, President Woodstock Farm Nursery, Inc.; Browning-Ferris to Build ·Recycling-Center; Golden Arches on the Horizon by Dave Anderson – McDonald’s to be built on Arbutus Refrigeration location (which relocated) – also mentions perhaps the birth of Gables of Lawyers Hill – Orchard development Corporation of Columbia.. has announced its plans to build a minimum of 56 single-family homes off Bonnie View Lane; big Foodliner ad – miss that place!

Click on the link below for the full issue.