Latest Past Events

Black History Month: Book Exchange

Ellicott City Colored School Restored 8683 Frederick Rd, Ellicott City

See the flyer below for more information about this free Black Book Exchange at the Ellicott City Colored School Restored! Parking is Limited so please park at St. Peter's Episcopal Church's auxiliary lot across the street.

Board Elections At Pizza Hutt

pizza hut elkridge md 7260 Montgomery Rd, ELKRIDGE

Dear Elkridge Heritage Society Member,   As the Brumbaugh House is still in the throes of renovation, but we need to have a meeting to elect our officers, we invite you to Pizza Hut 7260 Montgomery Rd, Elkridge, MD  at 7pm on Tuesday, November 12, 2024. We will purchase some pizzas for refreshment. Pizza Hut …