Bridging the Gap: February-March 1997 This issue of The Viaduct highlights the Elkridge Community Association’s activities and local news for February and March 1997.
Elkridge Community Association: 30 Years of Service and Trash Hearing Angry Elkridge residents attended a hearing to voice disapproval of a proposed trash transfer station by Browning-Ferris, Inc. on Cemetery Lane near Trinity Episcopal Church. BFI sought to rezone land for this purpose, a decision previously overturned by the Maryland Court of Special Appeals. The hearing included presentations from BFI and opposing parties representing nearby properties and communities.
The Viaduct Management’s Opinion on the BFI Proposal The Viaduct management believes that industrial land along Route One is vital for Howard County’s economic future and that a trash transfer station would hinder efforts to upgrade the area’s image and attract quality development, conflicting with Elkridge Master Plan policies.
Elkridge-Hanover Improvement Association Origins The Elkridge-Hanover Improvement Association, the precursor to the Elkridge Community Association, was formed in 1967 due to resident concerns about a rezoning request for apartments.
Elkridge Community Association: Promoting Civic Interests The Elkridge Community Association, established to promote civic interests in Elkridge and Howard County, cooperates with other organizations and monitors planning and zoning changes to protect residents’ quality of life. Membership is encouraged for all residents in the First Election District.
Annual Revival at Christian Community Church of God The Christian Community Church of God will hold a revival in March featuring Reverend Dr. Melvin Green.
From the Archives o/The Viaduct: ECA at 30 The Elkridge Community Association is celebrating its thirtieth anniversary, with charter members Dorothy Owens and Peggy Ford still active.
Waterloo Neighborhood Traffic Concerns Karlen Murray, the ECA Waterloo board member, expressed concern about traffic safety on Mayfield Avenue, even before an accident involving students. Residents had requested traffic control measures, and the ECA voted to request a new traffic study.
President’s Message: The Value of Volunteers ECA President Linda Carey emphasizes the importance of volunteers who dedicate their time and talents to the organization and introduces the newly elected board members.
Next ECA General Meeting The next ECA General Meeting will be held on March 20, 1997, at the Elkridge Fire Hall.
Our Voice in Annapolis: Legislative Updates State legislators James Malone, Don Murphy, and Senator Ed Kasemeyer reported on efforts regarding a traffic signal at Route 1 and Pine Avenue, a left turn lane at Route 1 and Elkridge Corners, the Compost Transfer Station in Dorsey, and I-95 bridge debris barriers.
Observe the State Legislature in Annapolis Constituents are invited to observe the Maryland General Assembly in Annapolis.
25-Year Reunion to be Scheduled for Howard High School Class of 1972 A 25-year reunion for the Howard High School Class of 1972 is being planned for July 1997.
VIADUCT Subscriptions Available Subscriptions to The Viaduct are available for those living outside the Elkridge area.
The Viaduct, Ltd.: Publication Information Information regarding the publication schedule, deadlines, advertising, and editorial contacts for The Viaduct is provided.
Patapsco Watershed News: Feasibility Study Underway Howard County and the US Army Corps of Engineers have initiated a cost-sharing feasibility study of improvements to the Deep Run and Tiber/Hudson watersheds in the Patapsco River drainage area, aiming to address pollution and environmental concerns.
Deep Run Watershed: Problems and Solutions The Deep Run watershed study will address stormwater runoff and flooding issues, with recent efforts by the State Highway Administration to clear a clogged drainage pipe on Route 1. The study may lead to recommendations for riverbed improvements to enhance habitat.
Stakeholders in the Watershed Study Several groups, including the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Howard County Department of Recreation and Parks, the Patapsco Greenway Commission, and the Maryland Historical Trust, have a keen interest in the outcomes of the watershed study.
Public Involvement Needed for Watershed Project Howard County Department of Planning and Zoning emphasizes the necessity of public involvement in the Patapsco Greenway project and the broader watershed study. An ECA subcommittee on the watershed is being formed.
Upcoming Activities at the Elkridge Senior Center (February) The Elkridge Senior Center will host various activities in February, including a Valentine’s Day craft, a senior safety program, blood pressure screening, movies, and information sessions.
Upcoming Activities at the Elkridge Senior Center (March) March activities at the Elkridge Senior Center include programs on diet and nutrition, monthly bingo, manicure/pedicure services, movies, and a St. Patrick’s Day luncheon.
Public Hearing Includes Elkridge Projects: Montgomery Road Improvement Project A public hearing will be held by the Planning Board regarding a traffic study for Montgomery Road improvements.
Public Hearing Includes Elkridge Projects: Rockburn Pump Station Force Main and Sewer Project The Rockburn Pump Station force main and sewer project design has been moved up to FY1998.
Public Hearing Includes Elkridge Projects: Mayfield Area to Get Fire Station The county is proposing land acquisition for a fire station in the Mayfield area.
Public Hearing Includes Elkridge Projects: Hanover Road Rail Crossing A hearing will discuss the design and construction of a bridge over the CSX Railroad at Hanover Road.
Beginning Our Second Decade: The Viaduct’s History The Viaduct newspaper began in 1987 to bridge an information gap in the growing Elkridge area, named after the historic Thomas Viaduct. Some initial issues have been resolved, while others, like I-95 noise, persist.
Gratitude to Advertisers and Call for Patron Donations The Viaduct expresses gratitude to its advertisers for their financial support and appeals for patron donations to cover publishing costs and potentially increase the paper’s size.
Flowers by: Gina – Valentine’s Day Bouquet Flowers by Gina is offering a Romance Bouquet for Valentine’s Day.
Flowers by: Gina – Wedding Plans Flowers by Gina offers wedding floral services and package plans.
Del. Malone Reports: Legislative Session Underway Delegate James Malone invites constituents to visit the Maryland General Assembly in Annapolis and highlights ongoing legislative issues, including income tax reduction, gambling, education funding, and welfare reform. He is also working on education legislation and capital punishment appeal reform.
Del. Malone Reports: Elkridge Area Projects Delegate Malone reports on fencing being installed on the I-95 bridge over Patapsco State Park and efforts with the State Highway Administration to address flooding on Route 1 at Levering Avenue and a potential traffic signal at Route 1 and Rowanberry Drive.
London Bound: Howard High Marching Band and Lionette Drill Team The Howard High Marching Band and Lionette Drill Team have been invited to march in the Lord Mayor’s New Year’s Day Parade in London in 1998 and will undertake fundraising activities.
Elkridge Family Dentistry Advertisement Elkridge Family Dentistry offers a range of dental services.
Trash Hearing Continued Continued from the front page, this section reiterates that the BFI trash transfer station would negatively impact future industrial development, conflicts with county planning goals, and is not in the best fiscal interests of the county.
Criteria for Solid Waste Overlay Not Met The proposed BFI site does not meet criteria for a solid waste overlay, particularly regarding adequate buffering and guarantees against nuisances like odors and litter.
Alpha Ridge as a More Logical Location for a Trash Operation The Viaduct suggests that Alpha Ridge would be a more logical location for a county trash compaction and export operation due to its existing use, size, shielded location, and direct access to I-70.
Negative Economic Effects of BFI Proposal Approval of the BFI proposal is predicted to have immediate and long-term negative effects on the county’s economic health.
Commercial Tire Co., Inc. Advertisement Commercial Tire Co., Inc. offers tire and auto services.
Big Stink Forces Compost Site Sale Neighborhood complaints, political pressure, zoning appeals, and a lawsuit have forced the Maryland Environmental Service to cease operations of its composting facility in Dorsey and sell the property.
Compost Site Issues The Lennox Park composting operation faced issues with odors, equipment failures, and weather, leading to resident complaints and a lawsuit.
Partial Transfer Operation May Continue M.E.S. may retain a portion of the Dorsey site for a yard waste transfer operation.
Focus Shifts to Opposition of BFI Solid Waste Transfer Station With the closure of the compost site, community efforts now focus on opposing the proposed BFI solid waste transfer station.
Advertisement Space Available in The Viaduct Information on reserving advertising space in the next issue of The Viaduct is provided.
Family Dental Office in Your Neighborhood! Advertisement Dr. Craig L. Blucher & Dr. Elaine Rounsley offer family dental services.
Coleman Brothers Car Radio, Inc. Advertisement Coleman Brothers Car Radio, Inc. offers car radio services.
Bauman & Son, Co., Inc. Advertisement Bauman & Son, Co., Inc. offers mechanical contracting services.
Dear Viaduct… Seeking Owners of Family Bible A resident has found an old family Bible dating to 1874 with Anderson family records and is seeking descendants.
Intercepted Letter: ECA Requests Traffic Study for Mayfield Avenue The Elkridge Community Association sent a letter to the Howard County Department of Public Works requesting a new traffic study and strict enforcement of speed limits on Mayfield Avenue following a recent accident.
Thanks! Letter from Kathryn M Davis A resident expresses gratitude for The Viaduct and the ECA newsletter.
Dr. Solomon Michael, D.V.M. Veterinary Medicine Advertisement Dr. Solomon Michael offers veterinary services.
Musing: Actions Speak Louder Than Words This is a personal reflection on how the author’s daily attendance at Mass, rather than her words, inspired a friend’s daughters to return to church.
Elkridge Digs: Archaeology Program at the Library The Elkridge library will host a program with archaeologist Bob Wall to discuss a recent archaeological dig in Patapsco State Park and what the artifacts reveal about early human visitors.
Now Open … Gary L. Kaufman Funeral Home Advertisement The Gary L. Kaufman Funeral Home is now open in Elkridge.
Meet Our Advertisers … Dr. Robert E. Skillman This article profiles Dr. Robert E. Skillman, a dentist practicing in Elkridge, highlighting his history in the area, his practice philosophy, and his personal interests.
RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. Advertisement Residential Construction Services, Inc. offers home remodeling and construction services.
Kiwanis Communique: Fundraising for the Food Pantry The Elkridge Kiwanis are raising money for the Food Pantry by recycling aluminum cans. They report issues with cans being taken and a wheel stolen from their collection cart and express gratitude to generous local businesses and Elkridge Elementary School for their support. Information on purchasing Elkridge afghans is provided.
ELKRIDGE CHIROPRACTIC CENTER Advertisement Dr. Brian S. Krupinsky at Elkridge Chiropractic Center offers chiropractic services and massage therapy.
Molly and Ben West on Oprah TV Show An Elkridge family with premature twins, Molly and Ben West, appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show. The article recounts their experience, including the reason for their selection and their interactions during the taping.
A.uto care Elkridge Motors Advertisement Auto Care Elkridge Motors offers minor and major auto repairs.
What Viaduct? The Origin of the Newspaper’s Name This article explains that The Viaduct is named after the historic Thomas Viaduct in Elkridge, symbolizing a bridge for communication. It details the viaduct’s history, construction, and significance.
LAW OFFICES OF MICHAEL J. SILVERMAN, P.A. Advertisement Michael J. Silverman, P.A. offers a range of legal services.
The Biography of Anne McGuigan This article shares the biography of Anne McGuigan, a 90-year-old Elkridge resident, recounting her childhood in the area, her education at St. Augustine’s, and her memories of early Elkridge.
In Memoriam: Community Residents A list of Elkridge community residents who have recently passed away is provided.
Tax Forms at Library The Elkridge Branch Library has a supply of essential IRS and Maryland tax forms and booklets.
Pancake Breakfast at Elkridge Volunteer Fire Department The Elkridge Volunteer Fire Department will host an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast on March 2.
VFW Post 8097 Schedule of Events The VFW Post 8097 announces its February and March schedule of events, including meetings and bingo.
Elk Ridge Heritage Society Elects Officers The Elk Ridge Heritage Society elected its officers at the January meeting.
Cardin’s Elkridge Office Well Attended Congressman Benjamin Cardin’s outreach office at the Elkridge Branch Library has been a success, providing assistance to many residents.
United Methodist Church Advertisement The Elkridge United Methodist Church invites the community to worship.
The Hairstation Advertisement The Hairstation offers quality hair care services.
Gold Wing Road Riders Talk at Senior Center Members of the Gold Wing Road Riders Club of America presented information about motorcycles and safety to attendees at the Elkridge Senior Center.
Elkridge Family Dentistry Advertisement (Patricia Jackson Babcock, D.D.S.) Dr. Patricia Jackson Babcock at Elkridge Family Dentistry specializes in pediatric dentistry.
Winter Birds This article describes the various types of birds seen at feeders during the winter in Elkridge and offers tips for attracting and observing them.
Call the Police! Crime Prevention Information The Howard County Department of Police urges citizens to call the police to take a stand against crime and provides information on their Community Services Section and crime prevention programs, including TRIAD for senior safety.
Elkridge Elementary School News: Academic Recognition Elkridge Elementary School received an award for significant academic progress.
Elkridge Elementary School News: PTA Programs The PTA at Elkridge Elementary School presented Cultural Arts programs and held First Grade Reading Workshops.
Elkridge Elementary School News: Random Acts of Kindness Elkridge Elementary School celebrated Random Acts of Kindness Month in January.
Elkridge Elementary School News: Book It and Homework Programs Students at Elkridge Elementary are encouraged to participate in the “Book It” reading incentive program and “Elks for Excellence” homework.
Elkridge Elementary School News: PSSST Club The PSSST Club (Parents, Students, Teachers Club) at Elkridge Elementary will hold meetings in February, offering diverse classes led by volunteers and staff.
Elkridge Elementary School News: Kindergarten Registration Kindergarten registration for the 1997-1998 school year at Elkridge Elementary School will be held in March.
Elkridge Elementary School News: Principal’s Message Dr. Diane Mumford, Principal of Elkridge Elementary School, provides updates on school activities.
African Safari Program at Howard County Library The Howard County Library will present “African Safari,” a program for children at the Elkridge Branch as part of an African-American history celebration.
Cardin’s Office Continued Continued from page 9, this section provides contact information for Derek Abrams at Congressman Cardin’s office.
TOPSOIL, FILL DIRT, STONE, BLACKTOP Advertisement (Frank Harman & Assocs., Inc.) Frank Harman & Assocs., Inc. offers materials for landscaping and construction.
DON’S PAVING & HAULING Advertisement Don’s Paving & Hauling offers paving and hauling services.
MONTGOMERY EXXON Advertisement Montgomery Exxon offers gas and convenience store items.
Tiger Mart Advertisement Tiger Mart offers hot and cold catering.
Frank Hannan Real Estate Advertisement Frank Hannan offers real estate services.
COLEMAN’S FLOORING SERVICES, INC. Advertisement Coleman’s Flooring Services, Inc. offers flooring sales, service, and installation.
Joe McNamara Home Improvement Contractor Advertisement Joe McNamara offers home improvement services.
Deep Run Elementary School PTA Achievement Deep Run Elementary School received a certificate of achievement for increased PTA enrollment.
Deep Run Elementary School Founders’ Day Celebration Deep Run Elementary School will celebrate the PTA’s 100th birthday with a Founders’ Day event on February 13.
Deep Run Elementary School Seeks Waterloo Middle School Pictures Deep Run Elementary School is seeking photographic information about the former Waterloo Middle School.
Deep Run Elementary School Student Recognized in Writing Contest A fifth-grader at Deep Run Elementary School, Katelyn Deranger, was recognized for her short story in the Young Author’s Contest.
Cub Scout Pack 432: Christmas Activities Cub Scout Pack 432 sang carols at a senior apartment complex and held a Christmas party, collecting food for the Elkridge Food Pantry.
Cub Scout Pack 432: Klondike Derby Cub Scout Pack 432 participated in the Klondike Derby at McKeldin State Park.
Cub Scout Pack 432: Pinewood Derby Winners The winners of Cub Scout Pack 432’s annual pinewood derby are announced.
Cub Scout Pack 432: Mall Show Participation Cub Scout Pack 432 will participate in the Cub Scout Mall Show at Chatham Mall on February 8.
Cub Scout Pack 432: “Scouting for Food” Drive Cub Scout Pack 432 will hold its annual “Scouting for Food” drive from February 22 to March 1.
Congratulations to Karen Hinds and McDonald’s Karen Hinds received a National Award of Distinction for Outstanding Documentaries, and McDonald’s of Elkridge was featured in a program highlighting their employment practices.
McDonald’s of Elkridge Advertisement McDonald’s of Elkridge is owned and operated by Jill Flores.
FAITH BIBLE CHURCH ACADEMY Advertisement Faith Bible Church Academy offers religious education programs.
League of Women Voters Addresses Issues The League of Women Voters of Howard County held their annual Legislative Luncheon, where state legislators discussed upcoming issues in the 1997 session, including income tax reduction and welfare reform. Citizens are urged to contact their representatives.
1997 Klondike Derby Cub Scouts A photo features the Cub Scouts who participated in the 1997 Klondike Derby.
LISA MADERA FILAR Creative Communication Advertisement Lisa Madera Filar offers creative communication services.
Lawn Services, Driveway Sealing, Snow Plowing Advertisement (Dave Baier) Dave Baier offers lawn care and related services.
Elkridge Area Jaycees: Jaycee of the Month Steve Nicewarner was named Elkridge Area Jaycee of the Month for his work on the Santa Visits project, which raised over $900 for Johns Hopkins Childrens Center.
Elkridge Area Jaycees: Volleyball Team The Elkridge Area Jaycees have formed a co-ed volleyball team.
Elkridge Area Jaycees: Welcoming New Members and Meetings Trenton Clark and Jon Shaw are welcomed as new Jaycees members. Monthly meetings are held at Theismann’s restaurant.
Elkridge Area Jaycees: Donation to the Food Pantry The Elkridge Area Jaycees donated $173 to the Elkridge Food Pantry from unused Thanksgiving Basket project funds.
Congratulations to Denise Zanbotti The Viaduct congratulates Denise Ciepiela on her marriage to Ron Zanbotti.
New and Expanding Elkridge Businesses Several businesses, including Zipper’s Performance, Lennox Industries, and Concentra Medical Centers, are new or expanding in Elkridge.
Elkridge Area Jaycees Present Donation to Food Pantry A photo shows members of the Elkridge Jaycees presenting a donation to Herman Prehn of the Elkridge Food Pantry.
Austin’s Collision Repair Center Advertisement Austin’s Collision Repair Center offers collision repair services with free estimates and warranties.
Cub Scouts Continued Continued from page 11, this section reminds readers about the “Scouting for Food” drive and Pack 432’s upcoming Blue & Gold Banquet. They are also collecting Super Fresh register receipts as a fundraiser.
But Not Without This is a short inspirational piece about essential aspects of life.
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