Articles include: State Deaf to I-95 Noise – will spend funds elsewhere by Denise Maier, Ed Huber and Dave Anderson; Elkridge Land Use and Revitalization Study by Ed Huber included Patapsco Heritage Greenway trail across the river at the Furnace House; President’s Message by Ed Huber, President Elkridge Community Association about 1990 General Plan and Liz Bobo’s proposed adqueate facilities legislation; 1990 Carnival Best Yet by Craig Albright, EBPA President; Unsung Hero Program; Dear Viaduct – letter topics include Ilchester Landing, Esther Pawley; Portrait of an Artist by His Son · by Leonard M. Bahr, Jr.; Elk Ridge Heritage Society by Shirley Drell, President – house tours include Furnace House, and event showing reprise of the film “Fair of the Iron Horse”; Area updates including impending speed limit changes
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