The Viaduct – Vol 4 No 1 – March 1991

Quote of interest, as it rings a bell: For years Elkridge has endured with tolerance in being the last community of the county to receive a library (among many other county services and facilities it has been deprived of). Now, in the dawning of a new Elkridge, we are finally able to visualize the silhouette of our new library on the horizon…

Articles include

Golden Arches Need Support by Ed Huber and Dave Anderson – concern that extensive road improvements and storm water management may scare McD away; Councilmembers’ Club Elkridge – Pendergrass agreed to low income housing off Rowanberry despite community objections; Library Design Revealed – library was fully funded but an easement needs to be purchased; President’s Message by Les Stickles; EBPA Invites You by Dave Anderson – Elkridge Carnival to be held in May; New Neighborhood on the Block – Hunt Club’s second section was auctioned off; The Army at Elkridge by Christover Vale – 4 men deserted the army in Elk Ridge in 1780 – the revolutionary war wasn’t going so great; Patapsco, River of History – EHS event to host author Paul J. Travers – has a chapter devoted exclusively to Elkridge during the revolutionary war; Patapco State Park – some areas were closed because of a state financial crunch but Avalon was open and swinging bridge was being repaired; Sub-stitution by Dave Anderson·- DJs gutted by fire; Ten Excuses for Not Having a Will-What’s Yours? by James B. Kraft, Esquire; Partners in Excellence by Ginny Stickles & Janet Schreibstein – about student book programs; Snow More Money – about the expenses of snow removal after 3rd major storm; Park Police Pinch Poachers at Patapsco – hunting violations; Firewood Fraud Smoked Out by Agriculture Officials – Tree service is no match for officers – sting operation to catch fire wood dealers shortchanging customers; Dream of Country Inn Nears Fruition By Joel McCord – about Elkridge Furnace Inn; Musing by Betty Mastrounni about silbing rivalry of Chirstopher and Malinda leading to murder ten years later; Elkridge Heritage Society to host another spring dance in April

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