The Viaduct – Vol 8 No 4 – August 1995

This August-September 1995 issue of “The Viaduct” covers a wide range of news and events within the Elkridge community.

A significant portion of the publication focuses on community updates and initiatives. There is information about patrons continuing to support “The Viaduct” through donations. The Fall/Winter issue of the “Patapsco Valley Views” newsletter is now available, and details are provided on fall and winter hours of operation for Patapsco Valley State Park, including closures and special events like Fall Harvest Days and the Annual Haunted Halloween Hike. The newsletter also highlights the significant volunteer contributions to Patapsco Valley State Park and notes the upcoming 19th Annual Maryland Civilian Conservation Corps Reunion to be held at the park.

Education is a prominent theme, with the official opening of Elkridge Landing Middle School on August 28th being a major highlight. The article details the school’s facilities, design, and the philosophy of the new principal, Kenneth Gill, who aims to involve the community and raise reading scores. There are also updates from Rockburn Elementary School, welcoming a new administrative team member and announcing pre-school events. Elkridge Elementary School will also welcome a new principal, Dr. Diane Mumford, at the start of the school year.

Several community events and activities are announced or reported on. The Elk Ridge Heritage Society will conduct a House and Garden Tour on September 2nd. The next Elkridge Community Association meeting is tentatively scheduled to be held at the new middle school. There is also information about a country western dance fundraiser planned for September. The local Sweet Adelines group will perform at the Inner Harbor.

Local businesses and development are also covered. There is news about BWI Airport runway closures for safety upgrades. Coca-Cola reaffirms its commitment to building a plant in Hanover, despite a syrup-making plant move. A public hearing will be held regarding a flea market operating on Rt. 1. The Elkridge Motors zoning violation case had a final hearing, with a decision pending. Miller Chevrolet needs revisions and variances for its site plans. The Timbers at Troy Golf Course has 14 holes cleared so far. Concerns were raised about the name “Chalice” for a proposed shopping center, but the developer has since decided against it.

The newsletter includes regular features such as “Dear Viaduct…” featuring letters from community members on various topics, including the “Chalice” shopping center name and the Charter Review Commission. “Bursting Bubbles” addresses local legends regarding the Thomas Viaduct and Gun Road. “Know Thy Neighborhood” profiles upper Main Street in Elkridge. “Gesundheit! The ABC’s of Allergy Relief” offers tips for managing allergy symptoms.

Other community news includes the planned closure of the Provincial Residence at Trinity Preparatory School. Howard County’s new park, the Patapsco Female Institute, will have a ribbon-cutting ceremony on September 30th. There is an update on a wetlands system being created at Deep Run Ranch. An Elkridge resident received the Stegman Award from Johns Hopkins University. The Elkridge Branch Library held a successful Great Cookie Contest and announces a new book discussion group. There was an increase in vandalism at Centennial Park and David Force Park. The Elkridge Baptist Church continues its outreach program to help the needy. Local residents who carve birds, R&F Decoys, had the opportunity to audition for QVC. Elkridge National Bank changed its name to Elkridge Bank.

Finally, the newsletter features advertisements from local businesses and an “In Memoriam” section. There is also a poem reflecting on the beauty of nature in Elkridge.keep_pinSave to note

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