Community Pulls Together to Meet Goals: The Maryland Environmental Service temporarily ceased composting operations at the Regional Composting Facility due to excessive rain and will transfer yard debris to the Western Branch facility. The RCF will still accept yard debris for transfer until January 31, 1997, and will explore improvements and other site possibilities for future composting operations.
CSX Crossing of Hanover Road: Following an accident involving a MARC train and a tractor-trailer, Howard County proposed immediate safety improvements to the Hanover Road railroad crossing to CSX Transportation.
Transfer Trash to Elkridge? Hope Not!: Concerns are raised about a proposal by BFI to operate a trash transfer station in Elkridge, with fears that it would negatively impact the tax base and quality of life in the area. A hearing on the proposal is scheduled for January 8.
Storm Water Management Hearing Held in Elkridge: Approximately 30 residents attended a meeting to discuss Howard County’s handling of storm water issues, including funding, maintenance, and regulations. Problems are more prevalent in older developments.
President’s Message: The Elkridge Community Association president encourages residents in the first election district of Howard County to join the ECA to stay informed and participate in local issues, such as the composting facility, crematorium, and garbage transfer station.
Elkridge Landing Middle School Update: ELMS and its PTA are seeking community support through grocery receipt programs to earn materials for the students.
VIADUCT Subscriptions: Information is provided on how to subscribe to The Viaduct for those living outside the Elkridge area.
The Viaduct, Ltd.: Publication details and deadlines for the February/March issue of The Viaduct are announced.
Elkridge Community Association, Inc. Membership Form: A membership form for the Elkridge Community Association is included, highlighting the association’s involvement in local civic welfare.
Elk Ridge Heritage Society Application for Membership: An application form for the Elk Ridge Heritage Society is provided, along with information about membership benefits.
Upcoming Activities at the Elkridge Senior Center: A list of events scheduled for December 1996 and January 1997 at the Elkridge Senior Center is presented.
Food Pantry Needs Your Help: The Elkridge Food Pantry is facing a critical food shortage and is seeking donations from the community.
Candidates Wanted for Library Trusteeship: The term of the Elkridge member of the library board will expire, and interested residents are encouraged to apply.
Public Invited to Christmas Presentation: St. Augustine’s Church will hold a special Candlelight Service on December 15.
Now, That’s a Good Idea!: Readers are encouraged to gift Viaduct subscriptions to friends and family who have moved away.
H.A.T.S. Off to Elkridge: Information about the new Howard Area Transportation Service (H.A.T.S.) bus service in Elkridge and its routes to Columbia and Ellicott City is detailed, including schedules and fares.
Watershed Restoration Project: Howard County has begun a study to assess the feasibility of environmental restoration in the Deep Run and Tiber-Hudson sub-watersheds of the Patapsco River.
Holidays Glow with the Season’s Best: An advertisement for a floral bouquet is featured.
Viaduct Holiday Special: A coupon for a discount on fresh bouquets at Flowers by Gina is offered.
6th Annual Halloween Contest a Huge Success: A report on the successful Halloween contest held at Elkridge Corners is provided, listing sponsors and some of the winners.
Merry Mulch Your Tree January 2 – January 15: Information on Christmas tree recycling drop-off sites and curbside collection in Howard County is provided.
Watershed Restoration Continued from page 3: Further details on the watershed restoration project are given, noting the involvement of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Maryland Department of the Environment.
Arbutus Fire Department Train Garden Display: The Arbutus Fire Department invites the public to view their annual train garden display from December 1 to January 11.
A Gala Arts Reception: Deep Run Elementary held a reception on December 4 to showcase student artwork.
Elkridge Landing Middle School Update: ELMS welcomes new staff members and announces upcoming winter concerts.
Deep Run Elementary School Update: Information on various school events, including a McDonald’s Night, Recognition Assembly, and Holiday Shoppe, as well as winter vacation dates, is provided.
On a Personal Note …: A reporter expresses gratitude to the paramedics who assisted her and her daughter after a car accident.
Storm Water: Information from Andrew M. Daneker regarding the storm water task force, its formation, members, and public meetings, is presented.
Holiday Concert: Howard County Recreation & Parks and the Office of Aging will co-sponsor a Holiday Concert for seniors on December 11.
COUPON: An advertisement for Bill Prehn Home Improvements includes a coupon.
Kayaking Home: An excerpt from a personal account of a kayaking journey along the Intercoastal Waterway is shared.
COLEMAN’S FLOORING SERVICES, INC.: An advertisement for flooring services is featured.
These swamp-related vicissitudes…: The kayaker’s journey continues, describing experiences in coastal Georgia and deciding to go into the ocean.
South Carolina proves pleasantly bucolic…: The kayaking journey progresses through South Carolina, including Charleston and the Waccamaw River.
A certain Captain John in Buckport, S.C., warns…: The kayaker faces a perilous crossing of the Neuse River in North Carolina.
To compound the situation…: The difficult Neuse River crossing continues, but the kayaker eventually reaches the other shore.
The Waterway’s only locks…: The kayaker experiences the locks in Virginia’s Great Dismal Swamp and navigates Hampton Roads.
I can smell the finish now…: The final leg of the kayaking journey includes rivers in Maryland, with the goal of reaching near the family home in Ellicott City.
It rains heavily throughout the night…: Heavy rain and flooding of the Patapsco and Susquehanna rivers force the kayaker to temporarily stop.
After a restless four-day hiatus…: The kayaker resumes the journey, passing Fort McHenry and navigating the Patapsco River to finally reach home after ten weeks.
A few last thoughts: The kayaker reflects on the changing infrastructure of the Waterway and the impact of jet skis.
This story and my entire voyage…: The kayaking story is dedicated to a young boy.
TOPSOIL (SCREENED & UNSCREENED)…: An advertisement for Don’s Paving & Hauling is shown.
Route 100, the east-west connection…: The opening of the 7.5-mile portion of Route 100 between I-95 and I-97 is announced, with future plans for its extension.
In Memoriam: A list of community residents who have recently passed away is provided.
family Dental Office in Your Neighborhood!: An advertisement for Dr. Craig L. Blucher & Dr. Elaine Rounsley’s dental office is featured, including a coupon for new patients.
Elkridge Branch Library Events: A schedule of upcoming events for children and adults at the Elkridge Branch Library is listed.
Dear Viaduct… 1-95 NOISE LEVEL: LIKE IT OR LUMP IT!: A letter to the editor argues that raising the speed limit on I-95 to 65 mph will not significantly increase noise levels as most drivers already exceed 55 mph.
LOOPHOLE STILL OPEN: A letter to the editor expresses concern about the influence of paid lobbyists on elected officials and suggests closing this potential loophole.
WHAT YOU REALLY VOTED FOR: A letter to the editor discusses the recent election and the impact of ballot order on incumbent judges.
ble now (at least safer). You agreed that the Council members…: A letter to the editor critiques recent actions and proposals by the County Council and state delegation.
KUDOS TO LOCAL MERCHANTS: A letter to the editor thanks Super Fresh and surrounding businesses for a successful Halloween party, highlighting the generosity and prizes.
Tim Russell Lennox Park: An editor’s note references a letter from Tim Russell on page 7 regarding a solution for the composting facility.
**~ Joe Afc:J{fl,mara ~ Hot & cold catering…:** An advertisement for Joe Abbamonte Catering is displayed alongside information for Faith Bible Church Academy.
**~ Hom mp ove Contractor ~ for Impvementeds ~:** An advertisement for a home improvement contractor is shown.
Rockburn Elementary School Update: Information on a visit from the State Teachers’ Council and the school’s partnership with Loyola College is provided, along with details about the upcoming Winter Concert.
Quilters’ Update: An update on the Elkridge Evening Quilters’ memorial wallhanging project is given.
If you didn’t vote—don’t gripe!: A short message encouraging voting is included.
Elkridge Bank: An advertisement for Elkridge Bank highlights its combination of modern programs and hometown service.
Elkridge Elementary School Update: News from Elkridge Elementary includes a book donation, recognition for the Wee Deliver Program, winter concert details, and information about the PSSST Club.
VFW Post 8097 Schedule of Events: A schedule of upcoming meetings and events at VFW Post 8097 is listed.
Pavilion Reservations: Information on how to make pavilion reservations with the Howard County Dept. of Recreation and Parks for 1997 is provided.
What do YOU think? Betty Mastrounni: A question is posed to the readers.
Waldo’s Elkridge: An article clarifies the unofficial boundaries of Elkridge, as it is not an incorporated area.
Harvest Time: A historical account of harvest activities in Howard County in the early part of the century is shared.
Mostly Moms and Grandparents: McDonald’s of Elkridge announces job openings with flexible hours, appealing to parents and grandparents.
Walk on the Wild Side: Howard County Department of Public Works plans to construct a sidewalk on the west side of U.S. 1 between the library and Montgomery Road.
Williamsburg Fresh Flower Centerpiece: Howard County Recreation & Parks will sponsor a flower centerpiece workshop for seniors on December 20.
Reserve your ad space in the next VIADUCT!: An advertisement encourages readers to book ad space in the upcoming issue.
Protect yourself by getting an expert opinion…: Austin’s Collision Repair Center advertises its free written estimates for late-model vehicles involved in accidents.
Meet Our Advertisers … Melville Chapel United Methodist Church: A history of Melville Chapel United Methodist Church, one of the oldest Methodist congregations in America, is presented, along with information about current activities and its pastor.
Large Shopping Center Opens Near Elkridge: The opening of the Long Gate Shopping Center with several major stores is announced.
Like to write? Send your articles to: THE VIADUCT: An invitation is extended to readers to submit articles for publication.
C. & H. Eisenhour, Inc. Lumber – Hardware – Building materials – Fuel oil: An advertisement for a lumber and hardware company is displayed.
Elk Ridge Heritage Society Presents Memorial: A memorial pen and ink sketch honoring Alice Roberts Toomey was presented to the Elk Ridge Heritage Society.
See a close up of this Ed Croft original on page 12.: A note directs readers to a close-up view of the artwork.
Remember to give Viaduct subscriptions to your out-of-town college students!: A reminder about Viaduct subscriptions as gifts is included.
ELKRIDGE CHIROPRACTIC CENTER can do just that!: An advertisement for Elkridge Chiropractic Center is shown alongside information for a massage therapist.
From BWI Airport… JETS GETTING OLDER: Information about the aging worldwide jet transport fleet and FAA deadlines for noise rule waivers is provided.
Auto care Elkridge Motors Minor & Major Repairs/Maintenance…: An advertisement for Elkridge Motors is displayed.
Elkridge Resident Wins Logo Contest: Beth Paradis of Montgomery Road won Howard County’s Sesquicentennial Logo contest.
Supporting our advertisers makes it possible for us to publish The Viaduct for Elkridge!: A message encourages readers to support the Viaduct’s advertisers.
BWI Airport Continued from page 71: Further details regarding FAA noise regulations and waiver requirements for aircraft operators are provided.
Robert E. Skillman, D.D.S.: An advertisement for a family dentistry practice is shown.
VIA. Tl-UM Family Dentistry… St«ata DJ• MC• Weddings• Parties…: Advertisements for a dentistry practice and a DJ service are displayed.
The 6th Annual Halloween Contest: Additional photos and a list of winners from the Halloween contest are presented.
Fresh bag) All the winners received nice prizes.: More winners from the Halloween contest are listed.
Season’s Greetings Water Works Car Wash: An advertisement for Water Works Car Wash includes special offers.
We service your en-tire car! Commercial Tire Co., Inc.: An advertisement for a tire and auto service company is featured.
Additional Halloween Contest Pictures: More photographs from the Halloween contest are shown.
Don’t forget the REALLY important things this holiday season—your loved ones!: A message reminds readers about the importance of loved ones during the holidays, alongside an advertisement for lawn services.
Congressman Ben Cardin to Hold Townhall Meeting, College Forum: Announcements for a Campaign Finance Reform Townhall meeting and a Higher Education Financial Aid Forum sponsored by Congressman Ben Cardin are provided.
designing bright ideas for effective business communication LISA MADERA FILAR: An advertisement for graphic design services is shown.
Still More Halloween Contest Pictures!: Even more photos from the Halloween contest are featured.
Dr. Solomon Michael, D. V.M. Veterinary Medicine in Maryl: An advertisement for a veterinary practice is displayed.
You Deserve a Beautiful Smile ELKRIDGE FAMILY DENTISTRY: An advertisement for Elkridge Family Dentistry includes a complimentary exam offer.
And Just One More Halloween Contest Picture!: The final photo from the Halloween contest is shown.
The Light Brigade: Information about efforts to have a traffic signal installed at the intersection of Rowanberry Drive and U.S. 1 is provided.
Blockbuster Idea!: Blockbuster Video founder Wayne Huizenga has selected Hanover as a site for a new used car lot venture, AutoNation USA.
Miles Body Shop, Inc.: An advertisement for an auto body shop is shown alongside information for Montgomery Exxon and Tiger Mart.
Elkridge Property Owner to Serve on Commission on Disabilities Issues: Information regarding the appointment of Barry M. Mehta to the Commission on Disabilities Issues is provided, including background on the commission.
Diana, Princess of Wales, and the Elk Ridge Landing Link: An article highlights the American ancestry of Princess Diana, tracing back to Sarah Duncan Boude, born in Elk Ridge Landing, Maryland.
This puppy needs a new home! ’88 Pontiac Safari Wagon: A Viaduct staff member’s car is advertised for sale.
This is no dog! Poinsettias Wreaths • Swags and Roping on Sale!: An advertisement for holiday greenery is shown alongside information for Pecararo’s Restaurant.
Boy Scouts Cycle River of History Trail in October: A report on a Boy Scout troop’s cycling tour of the River of History Trail, visiting historic sites along the Patapsco River, is presented.
The Good Humor Song: The lyrics to the tune played by the Good Humor ice cream truck are shared.
Become an instant member of our Elkridge family—join the community association.: A reminder to join the Elkridge Community Association is included.
Wishing you a Joyful holiday season and a healthy and prosperous New year!: Holiday greetings from Bud & Dr. Belle Bauman & the office staff are extended.
The tour stops near the Thomas Viaduct…: A photo of the Boy Scouts on their River of History Trail bike tour is shown.
You are urged to read “Patapsco, River of History” by Paul J. Travers: A recommendation for a book about the history of the Patapsco River is given.
Now Open … Gary L. Kaufman funeral Home at Meadowridge Memorial Park, Inc.: An advertisement announces the opening of a new funeral home in Elkridge.
Built by a family to help families in their time of need.: A motto for a funeral home is displayed.
Ronald McDonald House Charities is a not-for-profit organization…: Information about Ronald McDonald House Charities and McDonald’s community involvement is provided.
Elkridge—the Official Dumping Ground of Howard County: A letter to the editor expresses frustration over the number of industrial and commercial establishments being located in Elkridge, citing concerns about traffic and quality of life, and thanking those who opposed a proposed crematorium.
Frank Harman & Assocs., Inc. FULL-SERVICE REALTOR: An advertisement for a real estate agency is shown.
Our Elkridge Center: A poem written by a senior center participant about the joys of the Elkridge Senior Center is shared.
Written by Yvonne Zimmerman Submitted by Elaine Flemion, Director of the Elkridge Senior Center: Credit is given to the author and submitter of the poem.
Calling all senior citizens! The Viaduct would be delighted to receive your historical stories for publication!: An invitation for senior citizens to submit their historical stories is extended.
Holiday Sampling Party!: Howard County Recreation & Parks will host a Holiday Sampling Party for seniors on December 13.
The Hairstation • 796-4684: An advertisement for a hair salon is shown.
Continued from page 18 rush hours with stop and go between these lights.: The continuation of the letter to the editor about Elkridge being a “dumping ground” expresses further concerns about traffic congestion due to new developments and the potential presence of hearses from a proposed crematorium.
Dear Mr. Martel—we thank you for your decision of not allowing your property to be used for a crematorium. Dear Mr. Glassberg—please put your business in your neighborhood, since you named it “Capital Crematorium of Columbia.”: The authors of the letter thank someone for not allowing a crematorium on their property and suggest the proposer of a crematorium locate it in Columbia.
In Search of a Title: An introspective piece reflects on the value of experience versus credentials and the increasing reliance on bureaucracy.
Recently, I had another birthday.: The author begins a personal reflection.
For nearly all the agencies require one, advanced degrees…: An excerpt of a parody poem illustrates the author’s point about the necessity of degrees.
But, Lord, a word in my defense…: The parody continues.
And I wonder, as I come out of my introspective fog…: The author questions the increasing emphasis on formal qualifications over experience and the role of agencies in personal life.
Has it gotten to the point that we cannot take good advice…: The author further explores the theme of experience versus credentials.
Must we institute a new bureaucracy every time there is a new problem.: The author expresses concern about over-regulation.
Modern technology has put so much at our fingertips…: The author concludes with a call for wiser choices and the preservation of human values.
Midfield Air Cargo Complex Hearing: A public hearing on the planned Midfield Air Cargo Complex at BWI Airport is announced.
Giving Away Love: A short inspirational message about God giving love is shared.
Legislative Update from Delegate Don Murphy: Delegate Don Murphy provides an update on legislative activities, including comments on the Baltimore Ravens, gambling issues, campaign contributions, and reintroducing Ryan’s Bill regarding stricter penalties for DWIs.
It seems like just yesterday that the 1996 General Assembly came to a close.: Delegate Murphy begins his update.
As a member of the loyal opposition…: Delegate Murphy comments on the governor’s actions regarding football and gambling.
And then there are campaign contributions!: Delegate Murphy expresses concern about the governor’s fundraising activities and announces his support for campaign finance reform.
Additionally, I will be reintroducing Ryan’s Bill.: Delegate Murphy discusses his efforts to strengthen laws regarding repeat DWI offenders.
Thank you for your continuing interest and support.: Delegate Murphy concludes his update and encourages constituents to contact him.
From the Elkridge Volunteer Fire Department’s Fire Chief: The Fire Chief warns residents about a fraudulent advertising scheme using the name “Firefighter News” or “Elkridge Firefighter News.”
This is to inform The Viaduct readers…: The Fire Chief advises anyone contacted by this fraudulent publication to contact the Elkridge Volunteer Fire Department and the Howard County Police.
Faith enables us to walk through the shadows of doubts and yet have hope.: A short inspirational message about faith is shared.
Winter Hours for Patapsco Valley State Park: The winter operating hours for different areas of Patapsco Valley State Park are announced.
Merry Mulch Your Tree January 2 – January 15: Detailed information on Christmas tree recycling drop-off locations and curbside collection is provided.
Check this list twice for Holiday Recycling Ideas: Holiday recycling tips are offered, including using paper bags for wrapping paper, reusing gift boxes and packaging, buying in bulk, using reusable tableware, and repurposing non-recyclable items.
How can I reduce the amount of trash our family makes?: Advice on reducing household trash through recycling, composting, and responsible shopping is given.
BLUE BAG BETSY is Betsy McMillion, Recycling Education Program Coordinator…: Information about the author of the recycling tips is provided.
For YOUR usual RECYCLING or TRASH PICKUP visit the Alpha Ridge Landfill…: Information about the operating hours of the Alpha Ridge Landfill and holiday closures is provided.
REMINDERS la YOU Curbside recycling collection of leaves ends on December 31, 1996 and resumes April 1, 1997…: Reminders about leaf collection and the availability of free compost bins are given.
CALL for info. For more information call the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Waste Management Recycling Division (410) 313-SORT Watch for last issue FEBRUARY / MARCH: Contact information for the Recycling Division is provided, along with a note about the next issue of The Viaduct.
RESIDENTIAL CONST’RUCTION SERVICES, INC.: An advertisement for a residential construction company includes a testimonial from a satisfied customer.
Because quality is always the right choice MHIC#33325: A motto and license number for the construction company are provided.
Tis THE SEASON TO RECYCLE … Tis THE SEASON TO RECYCLE … Tis THE SEASON TO RECYCLE … Tis THE SEASON …: A header emphasizes holiday recycling.
This is an advertisement paid for by Howard County Government: A note indicates that the recycling information is a paid advertisement from Howard County Government.
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